What to expect while staying with Seven Lakes Kennels
Seven Lakes Kennels is an all indoor facility that is climate controlled. We have large windows that provide sunlight throughout the day. We take stress very seriously and take steps to minimize stress in every guest. We play classical music throughout the day and night; we diffuse lavender throughout the building. Our staff spends individual time with our guests to provide love and to help recognize behaviors that may indicate stress. Our guests are taken outside on a continuous rotation to eliminate and enjoy outside time.
Upon arrival to staying with us, we will need a current vaccination record. Vaccinations needed. Bordetella, Rabies and distemper.
What we do
Our Services

What to expect while staying with Seven Lakes Kennels
Our goal is to provide each family with a professional and positive experience. From making a reservation to picking up your animal, your experience will be easy and met with our guests in mind.

Seven Lakes Kennels daycare is a great way for your pets to burn off some energy in a safe and monitored environment. Unfortunately, not all dogs play nice but supervised play groups help mitigate poor experiences. Poor experiences can lead to fearful behaviors or aggressive behaviors. Dogs that come for our daycare services are evaluated by our staff in order to participate. If your animal cannot participate in a play group do not worry, you may still bring your animal for the day, Mon-Sat.

Seven Lakes Kennels offers boarding baths and nail trims that can either be done during your stay with us or through a reservation online. If you are interested in a bath for the day it is best to schedule the morning so we can send our guest home dry and looking their best!

Seven Lakes Kennels offers obedience to the community. We have two trainers on staff that have over 30yrs experience within many different disciplines. If you are looking for obedience training for your pet we offer two options:
Board and Train- Our board and train program is designed to fit the needs of each individual pet. We take your pet out of their current home environment and change their day to day routine. By taking the animal out of their environment, it gives us the opportunity to eliminate those unwanted behaviors. We require a large commitment from the owner to show up during the board and train in order to work on the behaviors being developed to start a new, well-behaved beginning. We like to say that we are changing families lives.
Individual – Schedule permitting, we offer individual training sessions.
What Drives Us
Our Mission
Our goal is to provide each family with a professional and positive experience. From the time you make a reservation to the time you pick up your pet, your experience will be easy and met with satisfaction.